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2012年本科毕业北京大学, 师从余志祥教授。2021年至2016年,在德州大学奥斯汀分校董广彬教授课题组攻读博士学位。2016年随着课题组一起转入芝加哥大学,并于2018年获得美国芝加哥大学博士学位。同年加入普林斯顿大学国际著名有机化学家David Macmillan教授课题组从事博士后工作研究。2021年加入电竞比赛下注平台(中国)有限公司官网,化学院。博士期间开创了一系列钯与降冰片烯共催化的交叉偶联反应; 博士后期间开发了一种基于光氧化还原的醇类直接脱氧偶联反应。目前第一作者和通讯作者身份发表高水平论文9篇; 如:Nature,一作1篇;JACS一作3篇  总被引用超过了1500次。研究方向为基于光化学的有机硼化学和杂环分子修饰;并致力于将这些研究成果应该到药物化学和化学生物学中去。










16. Metallaphotoredox-enabled deoxygenative arylation of alcohols.

Zhe Dong, David W.C. Macmillan* Nature 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03920-6.


15. Compatibility Score for Rational Electrophile Selection in Pd/NBE Cooperative Catalysis.

Xiaotian Qi, Jianchun Wang, Zhe Dong, Guangbin Dong*, Peng Liu* Chem. 2020, 6, 2810.


14. A Mechanistic Analysis of Metallaphotoredox C–N Coupling: Photocatalysis Initiates and Perpetuates Ni(I)/Ni(III) Coupling Activity.

Nicholas A. Till, Lei Tian, Zhe Dong, Gregory Scholes, and David W. C. MacMillan* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 15830.


13. Modular and Regioselective Synthesis of All-Carbon Tetrasubstituted Olefins Enabled by an Alkenyl Catellani Reaction.

Jianchun Wang, Zhe Dong, Cheng Yang, and Guangbin Dong* Nat. Chem. 2019, 11, 1106.


12. Sulfenamide-Enabled Ortho Thiolation of Aryl Iodides via Palladium/Norbornene Cooperative Catalysis.

Renhe Li, Yun Zhou, Ki-Young Yoon, Zhe Dong* and Guangbin Dong* Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 3555.


11. Palladium/Norbornene-Catalyzed Indenone Synthesis from Simple Aryl Iodides: Concise Syntheses of Pauciflorol F and Acredinone A.

Feipeng, Liu; Zhe, Dong; Jianchun, Wang; Guangbin, Dong.* Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 2144.


10. Complementary Site-Selectivity in Arene Functionalization Enabled by Overcoming the “Ortho Constraint” in the Palladium/Norbornene Catalysis.

Jianchun Wang, Renhe Li, Zhe Dong, Peng Liu and Guangbin Dong* Nat. Chem. 2018, 10, 866.


9. Modular ipso/ortho Difunctionalization of Aryl Bromides via Palladium/Norbornene Cooperative Catalysis.

Zhe Dong, Gang Lu, Jianchun Wang, Peng Liu* and Guangbin Dong* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 8551.


8. Transition metal catalyzed C-H bond alkylation using alkenes.

Zhe Dong, Zhi Ren, Samuel J. Thompson, Yan Xu and Guangbin Dong* Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9333.


7. New Directions in Pd/Norbornene-Catalyzed Activation of Arene C–H Bonds

Zhe Dong.* Chem. 2016, 1, 520.


6. Reagent-Enabled Ortho Alkoxycarbonylation of Aryl Iodides via Palladium/Norbornene Catalysis

Jianchun, Wang; Lei, Zhang; Zhe Dong;* Guangbin, Dong.* Chem. 2016, 1, 581.


5. Ortho C−H Acylation of Aryl Iodides by Palladium/Norbornene Catalysis.

Zhe, Dong; Jianchun, Wang; Zhi, Ren; Guangbin, Dong.* Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 12664.


4. Simple Amine-Directed meta-Selective C−H Arylation via Pd/Norbornene Catalysis.

Zhe, Dong; Jianchun, Wang; Guangbin, Dong.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 5887.


3. Ortho vs Ipso: Site-Selective Pd and Norbornene-Catalyzed Arene C–H Amination Using Aryl Halides.

Zhe Dong and Guangbin Dong.* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 18350.


2. Gold(I)-Catalyzed endo-Selective Intramolecular α-Alkenylation of β-Yne-Furans: Synthesis of Seven-Membered-Ring-Fused Furans and DFT Calculations.

Zhe Dong, Cheng-Hang Liu, Yi Wang, Mu Lin and Zhi-Xiang Yu.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 14157.


1. α,β-Divinyl Tetrahydropyrroles as Chiral Chain Diene Ligands in Rhodium(I)-Catalyzed Enantioselective Conjugated Additions.

Qian Li, Zhe Dong, and Zhi-Xiang Yu* Org. Lett., 2011, 13, 1122.