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1979.09-1984.07工学学士 清华大学水利工程系 

1984.09-1986.12工学硕士 清华大学水利工程系 

1987.10-1990.09工学博士 东京大学土木工程系


2001.01-2021.07清华大学水利系 二级教授 





1999.04-2000.12上海交通大学建筑工程与力学学院工程力学系 教授

1997.04-1999.03日本东京大学工学院社会基础设施工程系 副教授 

1993.04-1997.03日本长崎大学工学院社会开发工程系 副教授


1984年 清华大学优良毕业生 

2000年 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 

2001年 教育部特聘教授 

2005年 清华大学“良师益友” 

2007年 百千万人才计划国家级人选 

2009年 教育部自然科学奖一等奖(单独获奖) 

2010年 政府特殊津贴 

2010年 东京大学工学院Fellow 

2012年 清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师 

2016年 清华大学学生工作刘冰奖 

2017年 清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师 

2018年 清华大学“清韵烛光-我最喜爱的教师”称号 2019年 清华大学优秀博士论文指导教师
























1. 余锡平,《近岸水波的数值方法》,科学出版社,2017。

2.  余锡平,《近岸水波的解析理论》,科学出版社,2012。

3.  余锡平(主编),《浙江沿海及海岛开发战略研究:滩涂及海岛开发》,浙江人民出版社,2012年。

4.  余锡平(主编),《江苏沿海地区综合开发战略研究:滩涂资源评价及合理开发应用》,江苏人民出版社,2008年。

5.  Yu, X. and M. Isobe. Numerical Solution of Coastal Water Wave Equations, Chapter 1, Handbook of Coastal Engineering (ed. J. B. Herbich), McGraw Hill, 2000, 1-71.

6.  余锡平等,海岸工程学——近岸动力过程及其工程响应,《中国学科发展战略:水利科学与工程》(张楚汉、王光谦主编)第8章,科学出版社,2016,347-384。

7.  余锡平,海岸水动力学的理论和方法,《水利水电工程科学前沿》(张楚汉主编)第5章,清华大学出版社,2002,103-131。


1.  《Some Advances in Modeling Tropical-Cyclone Induced Coastal Disasters》,国际会议CoastLab2020全体会议特邀报告,浙江舟山,2020-12-12

2.  《近岸泥沙动力学研究的挑战》,水利科技前沿与水安全论坛(中国科学院学部主办),北京,2014-9-20

3.  《变化环境下我国海岸工程面临的挑战》,变化环境下水利水电工程前沿问题科技论坛(中国工程院主办),江苏南京,2012-8-11

4.   《国外沿海及海岛开发的若干经验及其对浙江海洋经济发展的启示》,2011中国海洋经济峰会(浙江省人民政府和国家海洋局联合主办),浙江象山,2011-9-16

5. 《国外海岛开发利用的经验及其对我们的启示》,全国海洋管理领导干部专题研究班(中共中央组织部和国家海洋局联合主办),海南海口,2011-5-5

6. 《国外海岛开发利用的经验及其对浙江海岛开发的启示》,浙江海洋经济发展新亮点专家报告会(浙江省发展规划研究院主办),浙江杭州,2010-10-28

7. 《国外滩涂资源开发利用的经验及其对江苏沿海开发的启示》,江苏省领导干部学习会(中共江苏省委和江苏省人民政府联合主办),江苏南京,2009-8-19

8. 《江苏沿海滩涂资源开发利用战略》,江苏沿海地区综合开发战略研究项目成果汇报会(国务院总理温家宝主持),北京,2008-5-8

9. 《江苏沿海滩涂资源开发利用战略》,江苏省沿海地区综合开发战略研究项目成果交换意见会(中国工程院和江苏省人民政府联合主办),江苏南京,2008-1-8.

10. 《Challenge of Coastal Engineering in China》,日本土木学会海岸工程分委员会成立50周年纪念活动主题演讲,日本东京,2005。


1. Chen X., Zhang C., Townend I., Paterson D. M., Gong Z., Jiang Q., Feng Q., Yu X.* (2021). Biological cohesion as the architect of bed movement under wave action. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2020GL092137.

2. Shi H.*, Dong P., Yu X., Zhou Y. (2021). A theoretical formulation of dilatation/contraction for continuum modelling of granular flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.249.

3. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). A Simple Trajectory Model for Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Climate, 33 (18): 7777–7786.

4. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). Enhanced understanding to poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 104062

5. Shan K., Yu X.* (2020). Interdecadal variability of tropical cyclone genesis frequency in western North Pacific and South Pacific ocean basins. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 064030.

6. Xu Y., Yu X.* (2020). Enhanced formulation of wind energy input into waves in developing sea. Progress in Oceanography, 186: 102376.

7. Lin X.*, Chamecki M., Yu X. (2020). Aerodynamic and deposition effects of street trees on PM2.5 concentration: from street to neighborhood scale. Building and Environment, 185: 107291.

8. Shi H., Si P., Yu X.* (2019). A two-phase SPH model for massive sediment motion in free surface flows. Advances in Water Resources, 129: 80-98.

9. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2019). A general frictional-collisional model for dense granular flows. Landslides, 16: 485-496.

10. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2018). A general numerical model for surface waves generated by granular material intruding into a water body. Coastal Engineering, 142: 42-51.

11. Si P., Shi H., Yu X.* (2018). Development of a mathematical model for submarine granular flows. Physics of Fluids, 30: 083302.

12. Liang L., Yu X.*, Bombardelli F. (2018). A general formulation of relative motion between two phases in sediment-laden water flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 109: 63-83.

13. Chen Y., Zhang F.*, Green B. W., Yu X.* (2018). Impacts of ocean cooling and reduced wind drag on Hurricane Katrina (2005) based on numerical simulations. Monthly Weather Review, 146: 287-306.

14. Wen H., Ren B.*, Zhang X., Yu X. (2018). SPH modeling of wave transformation over a coral reef with seawall. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 145(1): 04018026

15. Wen H., Ren B.*, Yu X. (2018). An improved SPH model for turbulent hydrodynamics of a 2D oscillating water chamber. Ocean Engineering, 150: 152-166.

16. Lin X., Chamecki M.*, Katul G. G., Yu X. (2018). Effects of leaf area index and density on ultrafine particle deposition onto forest canopies: A LES study. Atmospheric Environment, 189: 153-163.

17. Si P., Aaron J., McDougall S., Lu J., Yu X.*, Roberts N., Clague J. J. (2018). A non-hydrostatic model for the numerical study of landslide-generated waves. Landslides, 15: 711–726.

18. Shi H., Yu X.*, Dalrymple R. A. (2017). Development of a two-phase SPH model for sediment laden flows. Computer Physics Communications, 221: 259-272.

19. Liang L., Yu X.*, Bombardelli F. (2017). A general mixture model for sediment laden flows. Advances in Water Resources, 107: 108–125.

20. Chen Y., Yu X.* (2017). Sensitivity of storm wave modeling to wind stress evaluation methods. Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth System, 9: 893–907.

21. Chen Y., Yu X.* (2016). Enhancement of wind stress evaluation method under storm conditions. Climate Dynamics, 47: 3833-3843.

22. Liu Y., Yu X.* (2016). A coupled phase-field and volume-of-fluid method for accurate representation of limiting water wave deformation. Journal of Computational Physics, 321: 459-475.

23. Liang T., Yu X.* (2016). A numerical study of sea-spray aerosol motion in a coastal thermal internal boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 160: 347-361.

24. Liang T., Chamecki M., Yu X. (2016). Sea salt aerosol deposition in the coastal zone: A large eddy simulation study. Atmospheric Research, 180: 119-127.

25. Yu X.*, Niu X., Zhou H. (2015). Statistical law for tropical cyclone motion in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Climatology, 36: 1700-1707.

26. Lin X., Yu X.* (2015). A finite difference method for effective treatment of mild-slope wave equation subject to non-reflecting boundary conditions. Applied Ocean Research, 53: 179-189.

27. Chen X., Yu X.* (2015). A numerical study on oscillatory flow-induced sediment motion over vortex ripples. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45: 228-246.

28. Shi H., Yu, X.* (2015). An effective Euler-Lagrange model for suspended sediment transport by open channel flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 30: 361-370.

29. Niu X., Yu X. (2014). Numerical study on wave propagation over a fluid-mud layer with different bottom conditions. Ocean Dynamics, 64(2): 293-300.

30. Chen X., Niu X., Yu X.* (2013). Near-bed sediment condition in oscillatory sheet flows. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 139(5): 393-403.

31. Shi H., Yu X.* (2013). Application of transport timescales to coastal environmental assessment: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 130: 176-184.

32. Niu X., Yu X.* (2012). An analytic solution for combined wave diffraction and refraction around a vertical cylinder with idealized scour pit. Coastal Engineering, 67: 80-87.

33. Hu Y., Niu X., Yu X.* (2012). Large eddy simulation of wave breaking over muddy seabed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 24(2): 298-304.

34. Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Chen D., Yu X.* (2011). A two-phase approach to wave-induced sediment transport under sheet flow conditions. Coastal Engineering, 58(11): 1072-1088.

35. Chen X., Li Y., Niu X., Li M., Chen D., Yu X.* (2011). A general two-phase turbulent flow model applied to the study of sediment transport in open channels. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37(9): 1099-1108.

36. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Analytical Solution of Long Wave Propagation over a Submerged Hump. Coastal Engineering, 58(2): 143-150.

37. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Analytical study on long wave refraction over a dredge excavation pit. Wave Motion, 48(3): 259-267.

38. Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). Long Wave Scattering by a Vertical Cylinder with Idealized Scour Pit. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 137(6): 279-285.

39. Liu Y., Niu X., Yu X.* (2011). A new predictive formula for inception of regular wave breaking. Coastal Engineering, 58(9): 877-889.

40. Hua L., Yu X. (2009). An enhanced element-free Galerkin method for dynamics response of poroelastic seabed. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(3): 429-435.

41. Hua L., Yu X. (2009). Element-free Galerkin method for response of stratified seabed under wave action. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(4): 550-556.

42. Li B., Yu X. (2009). Wave decomposition phenomenon and spectrum evolution over submerged bars. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(3): 82-92.

43. Niu X., Yu X. (2008). A practical model for decay of random waves on muddy beaches. Journal of Hydraulics, 20(3): 288-292.

44. Lu J., Yu X. (2008). Numerical study of solitary wave fission over an underwater step. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 20(3): 398-402.

45. Li B., Yu Y., Yu X. (2008). Wave forces acting on vertical wall. China Ocean Engineering, 22(1): 151-160.

46. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2007). Nonlinear dynamics of nearshore irregular waves: a three-dimensional numerical model. Coastal Engineering Journal, 49(2): 103-126.

47. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2006). Three-dimensional numerical simulation of oblique wave action on vertical walls. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(1): 147-153.

48. Li B., Yu X., Yu Y. (2005). A 2-D Numerical Irregular Wave Tank and Its Verification. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 17(2): 222-227.

49. Yu X., Zhang B. (2003), An extended analytic solution for combined diffraction and diffraction of long waves over a circular shoal. Ocean Engineering, 30(10): 1253-1267.

50. Yu X., Watanabe A. (2003). New trends in numerical study of coastal sedimentary processes. International Journal of Sediment Research, 18(2): 192-198.

51. Yu X. (2002), Functional performance of a submerged and essentially horizontal plate for offshore wave control: a review. Coastal Engineering Journal, 44(2): 127-147.

52. Yu X. (1998). Finite difference methods for the reduced water wave equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 154: 265-280.

53. Yu X. (1996). Finite analytic method for the mild slope wave equation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 122(2): 109-115.

54. Yu X. (1996). Oscillations in a coupled bay-river system. 1. Analytic solution. Coastal Engineering, 28: 147-164.

55. Yu X., Togashi H. (1996). Oscillations in a coupled bay-river system. 2. Numerical method. Coastal Engineering, 28: 165-182.

56. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1995). Wave breaking over submerged horizontal plate, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 121(2): 105-113.

57. Yu X. (1995). Diffraction of water waves by porous breakwaters. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 121(6): 275-282.

58. Yu X., Chwang A. T. (1994). Wave induced oscillation in harbor with porous breakwaters. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 120(2): 125-144.

59. Yu X., Chwang A. T. (1994). Water waves above submerged porous plate. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 120(6): 1270-1282.

60. Yu X., Chwang A. T. (1994). Wave motion through porous structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 120(5): 989-1008.

61. Yu X., Chwang A. T. (1993). Analysis of wave scattering by submerged circular disk. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 119(9): 1804-1917.

62. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1998). A nonlinear model of monochromatic waves on steady currents over gradually-varying bottoms. Coastal Engineering Journal, JSCE, 40(3): 1-26.

63. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1992). Numerical computation of wave transformation on beaches. Coastal Engineering in Japan, JSCE, 35: 1-19.

64. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1992). Finite element solution of wave field around structures in nearshore zone. Coastal Engineering in Japan, JSCE, 35: 21-33.

65. Yu X., Isobe M., Watanabe A. (1992). A numerical model for nonlinear wave transformation in nearshore zone by multi-step finite characteristic method. Coastal Engineering in Japan, JSCE, 35: 35-48.




2007-2011教育部高等学校水利学科教学指导委员会副主任委员 兼水利水电工程学科分委员会主任委员 

2016-现在中国水资源战略研究会 理事 

2010-现在中国海洋工程学会 常务理事 

2018-现在《International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering》 主编 

2006-现在《Coastal Engineering》 编委 

2000-现在《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 编委 

2004-现在  《科学通报》 编委 

2006-现在  《水科学进展》 编委 

2006-现在  《海洋工程》 编委 

2000-现在《水动力学研究与进展》 编委、执行编委 

2008-现在水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室(清华大学)学术委员会 委员